Functional fitness programs like CrossFit combine strength training, high intensity metabolic conditioning, and mobility work to get you strong, shredded and in the best shape of your life.
Whether you're just starting out or have been training at a box for years, here's some resources that can help you take your CrossFit game to the next level.
On Etiquette
13 CrossFit Gym Etiquette Rules You Need to Know (Box Life Magazine) because you don't want to be rude, do you?

Our favorite: "Rule 13: Introduce yourself to newcomers"
5 Pieces of CrossFit Gym Etiquette You Need to Know

Just do it: "1. Respect the Platform"
Here's some great listening on your way home from your next WOD...
Barbell Shrugged
Check out Episode 250 on NeuroHacking
Check out Episode 266 featuring Nutritionist Matt Walrath
CrossFit News + Updates will keep you up to date on all the latest and greatest news in the world of CrossFit for training tips and motivation... for news and reviews... offer training tips + competition info
MacroNutrients for CrossFit - Everything You Need to Know Why and How Flexible Dieting aka MacroNutrient Planning Works

MacroNutrient Calculator so you'll know how many grams of fat, carbs and protein you should be consuming.
7 Supplements for CrossFit Athletes because we all want that extra edge...
Box Rox Training Plans offers something for everyone
CrossFit Invictus WOD's are WOD's from one of America's most well-known, and effective, boxes
WOD SuperStore
Rogue Fitness
No Bull Project
Our favorite: Vintage Flag Trainer
KNTKC a curated selection of gear for CrossFitters
Gainz Box because that's what we're all in this for...
Doughnuts and Deadlifts because one without the other would be extreme, don't ya think?
Wags and Weights your dog, and your gym. What else do you need?
Dry Rub® because a sweat-proof car seat cover will prevent stains, smells and general nastiness on your drive home from your WOD (yes, we just linked to our own product. How ya like them apples!)
Recovery it's yoga for CrossFitters...but it sounds a whole lot cooler.
The Ultimate Workout Recovery Guide this blog post offers a comprehensive guide on keeping your recovery game strong
CrossFit Games for the best of the best
Wodapalooza is like a party for you and your favorite, fittest friends
SuperFit Games are well organized, fun events through the Mid-atlantic and Southeast US
RX Competitions is your guide to local events near you
WODRocket will help you find local events so you can get bragging rights in your 'hood
If you think there's something missing from this list, send us a note here and we may just add your favorite resource to it.